Friday, May 21, 2010

What were they thinking?

The release date for a highly anticipated phone, the iphone 4G, will be released by Apple around June of 2011. This phone is considered by some to be the best of the best. This particular phone has many new features that have not been released on a phone previous to this. Apple along with CEO Steve Jobs, have always prided themselves in secrecy. Leaving the customer and the media wondering what new and wonderful features are to come. So how do they explain the newest prototype being leaked or left behind? According to, the new phone was found in a bar in Redwood City, CA not far from Apple headquarters. The phone was disguised in a camoflage case as a previous model, the iphone 3G. An Apple Software Engineer, Gary Powell, had the prototype and accidentally left it. The phone was then sold to Gizmodo for $5000.00 and pictures were leaked all over the internet and other news media. Apple executives believe that this leak will hurt the company because customers that have seen the new features will wait until the release date to purchase the phone instead of buying other Apple products.

It seems that this was poor business practices done by Apple. Since Apple is such a large corporation that contributes to some of the best technology in the world, you would think they would imply better security among their employees. This was just poor judgement on Apple to let an employee take the next generation prototype phone away from the facility. Simple practices should have been put in place to prevent these types of issues with security. Where were the check and balances of this company? How could this happen?

Because of this "leak" the only secrets Apple have are the ones made in the short amount of time before the release. Only time will tell.

Pictures and specs of the new phone:

The full story of the lost phone:


  1. I do not think Apple is at fault here. Yes it is unfortunate that their employee left the phone behind, but he is only human. He will make mistakes. It is also unfortunate for him that it is a mistake such as this that is made public. Apple has to test their new prototypes, in order for them to effectively do this, their employees have to test them out. They have to use the phone as if it is their actual cell phone, this way they are able to determine if their are any issues or problems with the phone, before it hits the market. I do not believe this leak will cause Apple to lose any business or sales. Apple's customers are loyal. I personally had the first IPhone, currently have an IPhone 3GS, in the process of purchasing an IPad, and will probably want the new IPhone when it hits the market.

  2. It is very interesting that Apple would allow such a mistake to happen. Although this leak will eliminate some of the hype around the new iphone, I doubt it will hurt them too much. People love Apple, and I'm sure that some people will even buy a new iPhone and then get the new one when it comes out next year. But they definitely do need to keep better track of their prototypes and who takes them out of the office.

  3. I agree that Apple's employees have to test their products out in real life settings. The mistake was not in testing by allowing the phone to leave the facility, it was in the carelessness of its' employee. The result of this mistake could potentially lower Apple's revenues because their customer's will likely wait on this new product. The leak could be detrimental but also beneficial. It's free advertisement! So hopefully this accidental marketing of the new Iphone 4G will generate more profits than anticipated before, balancing out the lost of profits that may result while customers wait in anticipation for the new phone.
